Deck and Raised Patio in Kingsville, MD

Deck and raised patio in Kingsville, MD


Kingsville, MD in Baltimore County


  • Excavation to dig out and level the base for the raised patio

  • Hardscaping to design the deck and build the patio with raised bench for surround seating

  • Landscaping on the side of the house to create a welcoming area leading to the backyard space

Project Summary

This raised patio space is surrounded by seat walls to create a functional entertaining area.

We used the latest paver technology on this job to control the drainage on this patio. The Smooth HD2 Pavers from Techo Bloc are very comfortable to walk on and have an integral color finish that will last for years.

We also used permeable construction so that the rainwater that falls on the patio is filtered into the base layer and back into the ground. We worked with our Construction Partner, JD Michaels Constuction to build the deck.


Custom Built in Bench and Fire Pit in Darlington, Maryland